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Digital Elevation Models

The gdaldem utility can be used to analyze and visualize DEMs.

Let’s analyze our clipped DEM


Generate a hillshade (shaded relief map)

$ gdaldem hillshade -of png gt30w140n40_clipped.dem hillshade.png

Color Relief

Generate a color relief map with values are computed from the elevation and a color configuration file (colorramp.txt)

$ gdaldem color-relief gt30w140n40_clipped.dem colorramp.txt color_relief.tif

Contour Lines

Build vector contour lines from a raster elevation model. Use the -a flag to set the elevation attribute and -i flag to specify elevation intervals.

$ gdal_contour -a elev -i 100 gt30w140n40_clipped.dem contours_100m.shp

Working with Terrain Data